2011, making a better year

I started out the new year away from home with a few friends from college out in June Lake.  I remember the first time I went with a similar group of people way back in 2003.  At that point in life, I was experiencing change and I knew God wanted to do something grand, but I was resistant to allow Him to take total control of my life.  My remaining time completing my undergrad work was met with a lot of friction—I wanted to control my destiny whereas God wanted me to do greater things.

Because I didn’t want to let go of control, there was a lot of pain in understanding what I were to do next.  It wasn’t until five years after graduating is when I realized I had completely let go and hit an all-time low in my life.  (It’s definitely wasn’t rock bottom when compared to other people’s life-changing experience, but it was definitely the lowest point in my own life.)  That was 2010.  It was an extremely hard year for me, but as I mentioned before, it could have ended a lot worst.  It was 2010 that I needed to reconcile my relationship with God.  I went back to prayer.  I rediscovered His Word.  I listened for His voice.  I devoted my life daily to discover His will for me.

With all that mind, I’m starting 2011 a bit differently.  I’m reminded I have friends who care.  I discovered despite my current job in the marketplace may not be ideal, I have the ability to share what it means to live as a Christian to over three dozen people.  I may not yet be in tuned to God’s voice, but I’m making a daily effort to understand His character in order to discern what it means to act, do, decide, and speak in Christ-likeness.

So far, this year is starting off far better than I could ever imagine.  I never thought I could be in a position like this over a year ago considering the pain and lost of direction I experienced.  So I thank Him.  Both good and suffering will be experienced this year, and whatever hard decisions and experiences I come across, God is always good.  God is always faithful. I will always put my trust in Him.  His love is all I need.

Below are a few photographs I pulled from my trip up to June Lake during the New Year’s weekend.  It was amazing to be in the middle of His creation and (mostly) step away from man’s doing (i.e. technology).  Though, at the same time, I did capture these photographs with Nikon’s latest DSLR.  😉

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